Class Resources

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Enrichment and Supplemental Materials

Here I will post supplemental reading suggestions, links to websites, and interesting places to visit, such as museums or state parks to further enhance your understanding of the material we will be learning in class. 

Below are some resources that will help you not only in my class, but as a student in general. Contact me of you have any questions!

Google Classroom is the central way students and teachers communicate. You will find assignments here, turn in your work here and is another way to email me. 

Duo Lingo is a fun way to keep  practicing Spanish skills in your free time 

This website has great tips for students and parents about being safe and developing healthy habits online

This is a Google Chrome extension for Math

Science News and Inspiring Stories

This is a fun and interesting website to learn about the latest science news 

This is a great website to learn more about science, Nasa, and space. 

This is a Google Chrome extension that can be used as a reading tool for students.

This is a tool students can download who have dyslexia to help with reading materials online.

Hover Zoom is a Google Chrome extension tool that acts like a reading magnifying glass and will enlarge the print as you read.